Dolmar Cross from A&E's Zombie House Flipping



Dolmar Cross is a born hustler, and has spent his life working his way to the top. At age 20, while struggling in a part-time gig making balloon animals, he took out a student loan to start a real estate business. Seventeen years later, he’s now one of the top players in the booming Tampa market, having flipped over 1000 properties – from single-family houses, to urban multi-family and waterfront homes.

As he continues to flip homes, he now also educates others worldwide looking for financial freedom through his real estate education company, Real Advisors. For the last four year, Real Advisors has been recognized by Inc Magazine as one of the nation’s fastest growing private companies. As a dedicated husband and father of three, Dolmar’s goal is to make sure that his wife Keisha, and children Cameron, Kyra, and Ethan, never have to struggle the way he did. With Sam and Amanda on his Real Capital investment team, he is ready to continue to conquer Tampa Bay.