Robert from A&E’s 60 Days In


Season 1

Robert is a teacher who wants to use this experience to show his students the ramifications of their choices so they don’t end up behind bars.

Robert grew up in a conservative family in Southern Illinois and credits his mother and father’s strict but loving parenting style for the upstanding man he is today.

He feels strongly that the United States is too soft when it comes to incarceration. Robert believes that once convicted, inmates should pay their debts to society by working 12 hours a day and learning a trade for when they come out.

Robert is dedicated to his artwork and to being a mentor. He has volunteered in orphanages in Haiti and India and loves to spend time with Darius, his “little brother” of fifteen years. Robert hopes this experience informs his ability to mentor teens and show them why a life of crime isn’t the way to go.

The Sheriff wants Robert in this program because he works with inner city kids and sees firsthand how they can be led down the wrong path.